Imagine a customer calls your business at 6 p. m. when your team's already clocked out, gone for the day. What happens next? Do they leave a voicemail and wait for someone to call them back, or do they give up and call your competitor? With voice agent AI, missed calls have become a thing of the past.
Hear how your personalized assistant could handle your calls.
Step 1: Call Jenny. She will ask you a few questions about your business to setup the role play.
Step 2: Act like you are a customer calling your business and see how Jenny would handle your calls.
Step 3: Hire your next staff member!
Ensures Every Call is Answered Promptly
This feature easily handles inbound calls, personalizing interactions, while saving your team time. AI Voice provides custom greetings tailored to your business.
Make Every Caller Feel Valued
Whether it's answering frequently asked questions or guiding a customer to the right department. It delivers an exceptional experience.
Blocking Those Spam Calls
Imagine the freedom of not having to deal with those spam calls of all the sales people trying to reach out to sell you something you don't want.
Callers Want to Know You are There
When people reach out to your business, they're expecting to contact someone. If that do not get connected to your business, they will hang up the phone and start searching your competitors.
Send Information Important to the Caller
During the calls, the AI can update contact information in your system, trigger workflows based on caller needs, send a follow up text with additional information, or transfer the call to a human agent.
Your Voice AI is Always Working for You
With 24/7 availability, your AI voice is available when you want , this makes sure that your business is accessible. Your AI Staff can work after hours, during breaks, on holidays or full-time.. you choose.
Your Setup Fee Includes:
One new phone number
One AI Assistant creation based on your website and the information you provide
One calendar integration
Lead Management CRM to manage prospects and clients
Human Transfer Setup
Transcription emailed to you after each call
3 Custom data fields to capture important information
Includes $10 per month in communication credits
© 2025 My Biz Suite - All Rights Reserved.
*Several of our plans have additional communication fees for phone calls, SMS, email, and AI usage.